Thursday, January 5, 2012

Speak Up!

I remember when first starting recovery for my eating disorder I was so embarrassed to tell anyone about my struggles and did not want to reveal this dirty little secret  to the whole world around me. I always made sure that I avoided the topic at all costs. However, the other day I received a message from a dear friend's mom and it it made me realize how thankful I am that as I progress through recovery I become more and more open about my past with my eating disorder. As a result I am able to transform a horrible experience in my life into something with a purpose. I believe that my purpose is to reach out to those around me that are struggling with eating disorders, share my story and help in anyway that I can. The message was speaking about a very young girl that confided in her that she had been struggling with an eating disorder. As I read the message, my heart sank and I began to cry just thinking of this young girl and the pain and struggle she must be facing. I replied and offered to meet with her and try and point her in the right direction and I do hope that can come to pass. When I put aside my own pride and concern of reputation and made the decision to try and help others through my own mistakes, the door was opened to so much opportunity to make a difference. The scripture verse that came to mind as I reflect over this story is, Romans 8:28 which states, "We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." God has a purpose for my life and wants to make something beautiful out of all that has happened in my past. He has a purpose for your life too and is just looking for a willing heart to surrender to Him and His plans, out of that so much blessing flows. If you are in recovery today, even if it's just the beginning stages, you can make a difference. Speaking up about your recovery and what you have learned along the way could change someones life.

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